10+ Wedding Games to Make Your Big Day Heaps of Fun!

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Gone are the days when weddings were stiff, formal affairs. After all, your big day is all about celebrating, right? So, why not add a host of games for everyone to enjoy throughout the day? 

Not only will this make the day memorable, as well as heaps of fun, but it serves as a great way for guests to break the ice if they don’t know anyone.

If this sounds like your kinda wedding, grab a pen and a cuppa, because we’ve put together the ultimate guide of wedding games to make your day super-fun.

Read More: 10 Hen Party Games to Ensure Heaps of Bridal Shower Fun!

Wedding Games

A glass of champers and a meal/buffet isn’t enough to ensure the guests (who have taken time out of their lives to celebrate your big day) have an amazing time. Oftentimes, we need a handful of entertainment options to make the wedding reception a swingin’ good time. 

This can be with a wedding band/DJ for everyone to have a boogie, confetti to fling on the happy couple as they head out of the ceremony, an amazing photographer who brings everyone together for some incredible wedding photography, and a wedding reception chock-full of fun games!

virgin hotel edinburgh wedding kara and mark father daughter dance

Photography by Wildling Weddings

Wedding Game Ideas

There is no shortage of epic (and insanely fun) games to make your wedding even more awesome, so let’s look at the top 13 wedding game ideas to incorporate into your special day.

Photo Scavenger Hunt

Weddings are pretty monumental things to prepare for anyway, so when it comes to the wedding games side of things, you’ll want to stick to ones that are low-faff and that have little-to-no prep involved. Fortunately, photo scavenger hunt is one of them. 

How to prepare:

Prior to the wedding (but not too far from the actual wedding date, otherwise guests may forget), send a digital list to all reception attendees of a certain amount (15/20, for example) of wedding moments (first kiss, a bridesmaid selfie, etc.).

This is an ideal fun, stress-free game for everyone to enjoy (either via their Smartphone, a digital camera, or a disposable camera) that guarantees plenty of epic photos on social media. You can even include prizes (best photo per category, etc.).


Jenga is an all-time classic for family board game nights, but it’s also a great wedding reception game. And we’re not just talking about regular Jenga. We’re talking about personalised wedding Jenga!

Jenga is the ultimate fun table game for those with a competitive streak – but isn’t so competitive that squabbles will break out. Not mentioning any names… *cough* Monopoly *cough*.

The Shoe Game

For those unfamiliar, the Shoe Game involves – you guessed it – shoes! You will also need a bit of space (indoor or outdoor) at the reception venue.

How it works is you will need to set up two chairs, back-to-back, in front of your guests for the bride and groom to sit on. Each of you will have one of your partner’s shoes and the DJ/wedding host will ask a bunch of couple-related questions (“Who initiated the first kiss?”, for example) and the couple will need to answer (correctly) simultaneously while holding up the shoe of the correct answer.

Questions to ask could include:

  • Who snores the loudest?
  • Who said “I love you” first?
  • Who is the grumpiest in the morning?”
  • Who is the biggest farter?

And so on. Although guests aren’t actively involved, they can watch from the sidelines and will soon be doubled over laughing at the ensuing shoe chaos!

Photography by Wildling Weddings

Board Game Station

Why not whip up a section of the reception venue that includes all the board game classics, such as Scrabble, Snakes ‘n’ Ladders, Cluedo, Chess, and so on?

Fun fact: everybody loves a board game, and this can be a great ice-breaker option for guests.

Table Charades

Once everyone has finished their meals, why not encourage each table to partake in a game of Charades? This fun game requires zero prep or props and is an all-time party game favourite.

Truth or Dare

Once the wine has begun flowing, Truth or Dare can be a hilarious game for guests to indulge in, either per table or collectively. You could even rope the DJ/emcee in to be the host.

Include fun (and not too scandalous) dares such as:

  • Take a selfie with a handsome/beautiful stranger.
  • Convince another guest to let you wear their fancy wedding hat.
  • Get a piggyback from the groom (or bride!).
  • Perform a dance-off with another guest.

The table that takes up the most dares over truths wins.

Poker Station

You don’t need to hire elaborate casino-style tables (although you can if you want to!) to set up an awesome poker station.

You can go the whole hog and hire a dealer or just lay out an array of cards and chips to let guests whip up their game of choice.

Wedding Cards Against Humanity/Cards About Matrimony

Wedding Cards Against Humanity are ideal for both wedding receptions and hen parties alike. This game is also perfect for those who love a naughty, cheeky, and downright insulting party game! Bridesmaids and groomsmen will LOVE this… your conservative Aunt Beryl, maybe not so much….

Bride & Groom Trivia

Put your guests’ happy couple knowledge to the test with Bride & Groom Trivia. At each table seat, have a printed sheet of couples’ questions (either true or false, or multiple choice) and a pen for them to fill out the answers.

Later on, the DJ/emcee can read out the answers and the person/s with the most correct answers wins a prize. Optional, the person/s with the most wrong answers has to do a forfeit! 

A Dance-Off

Nothing makes for the most hilarious photographs than some drunken shapes being thrown on the dance floor! And why not up the ante a little by offering prizes to the best dancers?!

ashley and mark scotland elopement calton hill

Photography by Wildling Weddings

Lawn Games

If you’re planning your wedding for the warmer months and have ample outdoor space to do so (as well as permission from the venue), lawn games can be a great way to enjoy the sunshine and get into the celebratory mood. 

Here are some of Wildling Weddings’ favourites:


Croquet is a fun, low-energy game that everyone of all ages can get involved with. Simply get hold of a couple of croquet sets and set up a small area of the lawn to allow guests to dig right in.

Mini Golf/Crazy Golf

The great thing about purchasing plenty of lawn games for your wedding is that these can come in great use in the future for family barbecues and birthdays, etc.

Mini golf, like croquet, is a fun, inclusive game that requires zero expertise or energy burning.

Giant Twister

Twister is never not hilarious – especially once the bubbly has started flowing! Those in dresses or wearing kilts the traditional way (if you know you know) may want to sit this one out, although to be honest – that might make the game even more pant-piddlingly funny!

Ring Toss

As old-school lawn games go, Ring Toss is a fun (with a side order of competitive) classic that the older members of the crowd will appreciate with their rose-tinted glasses!

Kids’ Games

If you’re allowing children to attend your wedding reception, it can be a wise shout to have a kids’ game section to keep the little monkeys occupied.

Some ideas include:

  • A video game station.
  • A children’s tent/teepee with blankets for a time-out/nap.
  • Sparklers.
  • Colouring books/sheets (especially ideal while waiting for the wedding meal).
  • Fancy dress area.
  • Lego.
  • A puzzle station.
  • A bouncy castle.

Photography by Wildling Weddings


Games are all about having fun, right?! So if you’re planning on having a few wedding reception games on your itinerary, choose ones that you know everyone can enjoy and can get involved with.

‘Find the Guest’ is a great wedding game to play for weddings where many of the guests won’t know each other, as it makes for a fab ice-breaker game. 

How it works is each guest will have a guest characteristics checklist based on your guests (e.g.: who has a dolphin tattoo on their back, whose husband’s middle name is ‘Rupert’, etc.), and during the course of the evening, guests are encouraged to pinpoint each guest based on the characteristics.

As well as the games mentioned in this blog, you can include other fun wedding features, such as:

  • A photobooth
  • A great band/DJ
  • Delicious food
  • A bar
  • CAKE!
  • A Piñata
  • Goodie bags
  • A fireworks display
  • Entertainers: circus performers, pyro show, etc.

It is worth waiting until the reception to kick off the game side of things to avoid interfering with the other aspects of the wedding, and ways to do this include:

  • Having a mini golf set-up
  • A poker station
  • Board games set up on tables
  • Scavenger hunt

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10+ Wedding Games to Make Your Big Day Heaps of Fun!

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